Cleaning Detergents and Sanitizers


Dear staffs, cleaning and sanitizing are two processes involved in the cleaning program. However, they are both two different things. Cleaning removes what you can see, and sanitizing removes what you cant. Cleaning dishes and equipment means washing off food particles, dirt, oil and other visible materials. Sanitizing requires the use of specialized agents that attack and kill bacteria and germs. Below is the list of the recommended detergents and sanitizers for different uses in the salad bar.

Handwashing Soap or Sanitizers
  • We have provided dispensable liquid soap and gel in all the hand washing station.
  • The soap is antibacterial but at the same time gentle to the skin.
  • It helps to effectively kills the germs that may reside on your hands.
  • For the chefs and kitchen workers, stick to hand soap and water. For the staff servers, wash your hands whenever possible and use the hand sanitizer for quick cleansing when serving the customers.
  • Sanitizers contains alcohol which can effectively kills off the germs and bacteria.
Cleaning kitchen equipments
  • Degreaser - It is a special detergent to remove grease from the stove. Please remember to wear gloves when using the degreaser as it is quite a strong chemical.
  • Dishwashing soap - The dishwashing soap provided helps to removes grease as well as some of the germs on the dishes.
  • Contains alcohol which effectively kills the germs and bacteria which prevents unwanted illnesses.
  • Use it to clean counter tops and tables.


Rachel Ton said...

i like the layout of this blog. it is very neat and the language that is used is very appropriate as it is not too technical so that the majority of the people working in the paritcular company would be able to understand the meassge that the management was trying to put across, the points given was also sufficient. One thing that can be improved in this blog os that the font should be bigger. so that the older generation who are able to acess this blog would not have difficulty reading it.

Arielle Low said...

The blog is very detailed and has the right informtaion needed in every aspect. It is easy to comprehend and would definitely be of great help in terms of cleaning and sanitation. Instructions given are also clear enough for the general readers to understand. However, there should be more pictures so that the blog would not look to wordy.

thebettuslettucecrew said...

To Rachel Ton and Arielle Low: Hey there! Thanks for the comments and opinions. We will take all the points into considerations. Cheers!

Daud said...

hello, i find that the blog is very well detailed. it gives lots of information that the company wants the staff to know. it also includes information like what will happen if staff does not comply to these instructions. the tone of the blog is very friendly and not too forceful. overall, it does not have much flaws.

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